Session 1

Workout Intentions:

Today we are looking to build strength through range of motion and develop maximal time under tension (TUT).

We are focusing on perfecting the squat and push up patterns.

Expect to feel some local fatigue in the legs, chest and arms.

Part B is focused on developing your unilateral leg strength and balance with the lunges, super-setted with some strict vertical pressing strength and endurance.

The METCON is focused on developing some endurance and resistance to fatigue in the basic movements with an EMOM styled workout.

This means that every minute, you'll swap exercises, allowing you to recover from the local fatigue and increase total work capacity and skill development.

Remember that you don't need to rush your movements, take your time and move well.

Week 1: Session 1:

Warm Up:

Complete 3 rounds:

30 Seconds in the bottom of an air squat + 10 full depth air squats


30 seconds of shoulder touches + 8 burpees

Part A:

4 Sets of the following superset.

A1: 10 x Goblet Squat with 32X0 Tempo

A2: 10 x Push Ups with 32X0 Tempo

(follow the progressions in the video and only complete as much weight as your body is capable of)

  • Complete 4 rounds of the following superset
  • 60 seconds between movement A1 and A2.
  • 2 minutes between rounds.

I.e. Complete A1, rest 60 seconds, then complete A2, then rest 2 minutes before starting A1 again.

The weight you choose should reflect your ability. Ideally, you should be able to complete 1-2 extra reps once completed the set and aiming for an 8/10 RPE.

If you can't find a KB heavy enough, you can use 2 x KB in the front racked position.

Part B:

2 Movement Superset

B1: 16 x Front Racked Kettle Bell (KB) Reverse Lunges (8 each leg, alternating each rep)

B2: 16 x KB Strict Press (8 each arm, not alternating but holding the other in the front racked position)

*Tips: Keep your knuckles touching when in the front rack to maintain high elbows and tension in your midline.

Part C: Conditioning

9 Minute Alternating EMOM (Every minute on the minute)

Complete the designated reps with perfect form and then rest until the minute ticks over before starting the next movement.

Min 1: 12 x Air Squats

Min 2: 8 x Push Ups

Min 3: 9 x Burpees

Complete 3 rounds = 9 minutes.

*(For more effort, either focus on slowing the movements down, adding a few reps each minute or increasing the number of rounds)

Complete and Continue  